Jenson and Lewis attempt to build car in new Vodafone ad viral

Maybe it’s just me as i’m not that big a fan of F1, but this ad seems entirely charmless and seems to have used all of the ridiculously obvious advertising cues to cover this up.

The ‘Plot’ in summary

Two apparent experts deserted in beautiful workshop with bits of an F1 car.

They look slightly helpless.

All of the office staff wander by in awe and wonder as our two heros attempt the build, nudging and winking at the windows.

The real experts (the mechanics) drink tea in the canteen.

Our two drivers pull it off and then whilst claiming its a team effort, pretend they actually did it.

Sorry, this is all a bit dull for my liking. Virals are meant to be fun!

And considering it’s obvious expense and production values, what is this actually doing or saying about the Vodafone brand?

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